Sunday, August 23, 2009


Are you the sort of person who needs variety, or do you find a favorite and stick with it? Personally, I fit into the former category. I get bored easily, I have a limited attention span, and I need to mix it up. I CRAVE. ENDLESS. VARIETY. Witness my tea assortment:
1. White
2. Sencha
3. Genmaicha
4. Matcha

5. Pi Lo Chun
6. Yunnan Green
7. Gunpowder
8. Monkey Picked Tieguanyin
9. Silk Oolong Formosa
10. Green Dragon Oolong
11. Oriental Beauty
12. Heaven Mist
13. Keemun Black
14. Lapsang Souchong
15. Darjeeling
16. Assam
17. Jasmine
18. Dragon Pearl
19. Jasmine Blossom
20. Bergamot
21. Lychee
22. Rose
23. Strawberry
24. Original Russian Tea

Why, you may ask, would a person be so obsessed with variety that she needs 24 different teas in her cupboard? Well, perhaps for the same reason other women need dozens of pairs of impractical high heel shoes. A pair to match every dress, a tea to match every dish. You know what they say about variety.

Matcha Meringue Kisses
Printable Recipe

2 ounces powdered sugar
2 tablespoons matcha tea
2 ounces egg whites, at room temperature
2 ounces sugar

Preheat the oven to 175ºF. Sift together the powdered sugar and matcha. In a mixer fitted with a whip attachment, whip the egg whites on medium to soft peaks. With the motor running on high, gradually add the sugar. Continue to whip on high to stiff peaks. Gently fold the matcha mixture into the meringue. Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a large plain tip and pipe 1 ¼-inch kisses about an inch apart onto a parchment-lined baking tray. Bake for an hour to an hour and 15 minutes, or until dry. Transfer kisses to a rack to cool.

Makes about 3 dozen. Kisses keep for several days in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place.


A Bowl Of Mush said...

I love matcha! These look fantastic, what a good idea!

Judy said...

how cute! i'll have to try these!

anna said...

Matcha is wonderful! Hehe, even I don't have that many teas in my collection! Was getting close at one point but then I moved and had to divide up what I would be taking. As long as I have a decent black tea, my gunpowder, something white/herbal for nighttime and some matcha (which I only ever use as an ingredient since I don't have a proper whisk), I'm happy. If I don't have my gunpowder in the morning I feel off all day!

test it comm said...

Matcha meringue sounds so good!

Jessica@FoodMayhem said...

They are super cute! I love that each one has it's own character, some more straight, some bent one way or the other...btw, love your tea collection!

Claire Mercado-Obias said...

I have matcha in my cupboard! I can make these! I'm so excited...thanks for sharing =)

veron said...

matcha meringue kisses delicious this is. I love the color of matcha on baked any food coloring.

Karine said...

These kisses look so cute and yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipe :)

jglee said...

These are adorable! I love green tea.

Alejandra Ramos said...

I'm the same way!! I have an entire shelf devoted to teas. Love them. These came out so great. I love the green color.

KristenL said...

Having worked at a tea store, I too understand the need for a large variety of tea. They are all so different and I can't just drink the same one every day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing!

I just made them, and I cranked up the oven too hot and burnt them; they are browned instead of the beautiful green you have. Not only that, I forgot which size you made so I made them in the normal Hershey kisses size - I got about 200 out of the recipe. (Haha!)
But the humid weather here in my country is really really detrimental to my meringue - the deflate so easily!

But anyway enough of my sob story. I love the pictures! They are so pretty.

Lucy Vaserfirer said...

Oh, no! I hope you have better luck next time!

Miranda said...

First of all, I love your site. I came acrossed it off of!

Your site is incredible and these looks absolutely mouthwatering. I love meringues!

Thank you so much for sharing such amazing recipes

Lucy Vaserfirer said...

Thanks everyone!

Cannelle Et Vanille said...

Lovely kisses Lucy!

Teacipes said...

beautiful recipe! they must be sooo delicious...

hannah queen | honey & jam said...

Those are so cute, I wish I had some matcha!

lynn said...

wow these are insanely beautiful!

Adriana said...

I'm so excited to try these! I was perusing the matcha tag in Foodgawker, and these look like the perfect green tea dessert. They'll also give me a reason to make matcha ice cream to use up the egg yolks.

Raven Lynnae. said...

Looks great! What is a good substitute for the sugar in this recipe?

Lucy Vaserfirer said...

Raven Lynnae.,
There is no substitute for the sugar if you want the same results.

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