And the publisher liked it. At first. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, I got the news, “Marketing doesn’t think they can sell it.” It always boils down to marketing. (The little matter of the economic meltdown didn’t do me any favors either.) Was I devastated? Hell, no! Well, maybe just a little bit. But, to be completely honest, I was relieved—I mean, do I really need to be testing and tasting an entire cookbook’s worth of fried food? I can just see it now: the French fries would’ve gone to my waist, the onion rings to my thighs, and the donuts directly to my heart. I would’ve battered, breaded, and rolled myself straight into my grave. In an XXL coffin, no less. The rejection hurt, but it was a blessing in disguise.
So that’s the reason for two oven-fried recipes in a row. They just needed a new home. By the way, when I was working as a private chef, my employer deemed these “the best fish sticks ever”. Which still cracks me up.

Oven-Fried Halibut with Tartar Sauce
Printable Recipe
¼ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup grated yellow onion
1 dill pickle, minced
2 tablespoons minced Italian parsley
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
Several drops Tabasco sauce
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 large egg
¼ teaspoon granulated garlic
½ teaspoon paprika
2 cups panko breadcrumbs
1 ¾ pounds 1-inch thick center-cut halibut fillet, skinned, boned, and cut into 1-inch wide pieces
¼ cup all-purpose flour
3 to 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
Blend together the mayonnaise, onion, pickle, parsley, lemon juice, and Tabasco in a small bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper and refrigerate.
Whisk together the egg, granulated garlic, paprika, and 2 tablespoons of water in a large, shallow dish. Mix together the panko and a generous pinch of salt and pepper in another large, shallow dish. Season the halibut pieces generously with salt and pepper. Dip each one into the flour to coat and shake off any excess, then into the egg wash, and then into the panko mixture to coat, patting so that it adheres. As you work, arrange the halibut pieces in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking tray. Using a pastry brush, brush them all over with the melted butter. Let rest in the refrigerator for about half an hour.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 450˚F. Bake the halibut for 16 to 18 minutes, or until just cooked through. The fillets will begin to flake when they are just cooked through. Arrange the halibut pieces on individual plates, divide the sauce among them, and serve immediately.
Serves 4. These “fish sticks” are a hit with adults and kids alike. For a complete fish 'n' chips dinner, serve them with Oven Fries and Classic Coleslaw.
Self-publish? It's tough, I know but I know someone who's done it so well that she's been asked to write a second edition. "Golden brown but Oven-fried" would definitely sell!
I don't understand why they don't think they can sell the book. Oven fry is much healthier than deep fry.
The fish stick look really yummy. Great idea.
Evidently you have a northern publisher. Here in the south, we like it fried. I'd have bought it.
Well, I have to say, the photo has my mouth watering. I love me some fried foods (at least in small doses)!
I've made this twice and LOVE it! The tartar sauce makes it!
Well I sure think these look amazing! I'd love to feature them on my site with full credit and links back to you if you are keen! Please let me know at your earliest convenience!
This is a great take on comfort food. We love having this for dinner!
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