I buy chocolate by the 10-kilo bag for personal consumption.

So the good news is we don’t run out often. A new 10-kilo bag of Callebaut dark chocolate callets* is always greeted by laughter, dancing, and general jubilation. We rip open the bag, drink in the intoxicating aroma, and feel at ease, knowing that all is right in the world once again.

Best Ever Hot Chocolate
Printable Recipe
½ cup heavy cream
4 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped or scant 2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips
2 cups milk
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
Bring the cream to a bare simmer in a small, heavy saucepan. Place the chocolate into a medium bowl, add the hot cream, and whisk until smooth. Whisk in the milk. Return to the saucepan and heat to a simmer, stirring frequently. Stir in the vanilla, ladle into mugs, and serve immediately.
*Callets are essentially high quality chocolate chips. I prefer to work with callets because, unlike bar chocolate, they’re ready to melt, with no chopping required.
This looks superb. Where do you buy your callets?
Thanks Maggie! I get my callets from a local restaurant purveyor. But for mail ordering, try Chocosphere. They have an amazing selection, including Callebaut callets, and fair prices.
I have tried a few hot chocolate recipes and most are expensive and heavy. I plan to give this one my best. What more available chocolate can I use because I do not plan to wait that long?
You can use your favorite brand of semisweet chocolate chips with nice results. Enjoy!
I have seen these 10 kg bags in the shops here and i always thought ppl who have restraubts or coffee shop bought them.
Cohoclate milk looks yumm.
I'm always on the look out for another chocolate drink recipe. Thanks so much for this - we'll give it a try.
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